Monday, July 28, 2008

My hometown

Hello! guys !!
How's it going ?

Today, I'm writing about my loving hometown..

My hometown is Okinawa, which is located in the most south part of Japan, and it's a small resort island. It's surrounded with so beautiful sea and people can swim from March to October, it's like a pradise especially for people from northern parts. Even if people from the different cities of Japan, they can enjoy there and totally defferent atmosphere. That's why my hometown is known as a very popular resort place in Japan, like Hawaii and Bali island.

There are something dramatically different from 10 or 20 years ago in my hometown. One of them is the increasing number of large shopping centers and mega molls. Of course, they supply to people more convinient life and amusement place to spend their holidays. For example, normally they open until midnight, some of them are 24 hours, and we can get everything whenever we want. We don't need to worry about the time limit any more. It's absolutely covinient and proceed thing in the latest 10 years.

However if I can say about the disadvantage of this, they were built in the places where were familiar with local people including me and made the scenary that was just like a resort in foreign contries... There is one place I used to go to have dinner or parties with my familly and many friends when I was a student. I loved the place, people, foods and time there and everything. But I can't spend there with my feelings like 6 years ago any more, because this place's changed into the huge shopping center. I can't pass through the place without thinking of my sweet memories.

On the other hand, I understand I have to accept the modernism in my hometown, because people take it for granted that they can take such a covinient service as a contemporary function. Even if it's in the resort place to escape from their daily lives, people live in the place have to reply to the tourists's requests to call them there. We need to compromise each other, anyway.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My trip

5 years ago, my friend and I went on a trip to Seoul in Korea. It was quite a cheap trip because we could get travel tickets for free and we didn't have enough money to spend there. And we planned to find relatively cheap accomodation in person.

There was a big problem, which was that I forgot a guide book which we bought together. So we went to an information center in order to get a map and information to cover my fault. Of course, it wasn't enough to find everything we wanted, so we asked passengers where was the best reataurant around there, where more enjoyable places were and convenient accomodation, and so on..

As a result, it was such a great trip that was worth more than the acutual costs because of many people's help. Fortunately, we could get much more useful information and enjoy every places I learned quite important things from this trip: to know and to communicate with people who live in a place is more interesting and more useful. On the other hand, I'm trying to reduce my mistake for trips by making a list of necessary things...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Me & Mohammed

Now, I'll introduce myself and my friend, Mohammed, our personalities, types, the similarities and defferences between them...

We grew up in totally different places, but we can see similarities as well. First of all, I was glad to talk with him about that,becouse we can see each other's ways of thinking about relationships and our personalities.

First, we agreed that we like to relax alone or with a few close friends we feel relax. And we prefer to have deeper convversations and understand each other certainly. Also we're happy to feel these relationships.

Moreover, when we say something, especially in English, we need to organize what to say. So we intend to start speaking after other person. It happens because of sometimes hasitates, sometimes carefulness.

On the other hand, there are some differences between us. For instance, I'm given more energy when I enjoy doing something or feel so busy. Actually I can feel so refresh after I enjoy sports. But my partner, Mohammed is not like this. He needs rests to charge his energy.

In the end, we can understand our characters by talking about ourselves. And what I think about this, we have more similarities. It's reaaly interesting to understand people from different countries. I am convinced that we can share each other's feelings, even though our countries so far away...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nelson Mandela

Hi !!
Today I'll show everyone to the biography of Nelson Mandela....

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is famous as a person who became the first democratically elected president of South Africa, from 1994 to 1999. While h was president, he influenced all people of the country who had been suffered under apartheid. he is a person who has left obvious great achievements of human rights.

Mandela was born in Qunu of South Aflica in 1918 as to a family of five. Grewing up, he studied law in Jahannesburg at Union College of Fort Hare. After that, he joinnedAfirican National Congress in 1942. But becouse of his actibities against the goverment, he should put him in a prison until he released on Februally 11, 1990. Though this term was 27 years, he didn't quit his actibities while he was in a prison. And for a great achievement for people in ANC, he ended up being Presodent of ANC in 1991. And he could end the unjust system of apartheid as his goal in the ANC. Also he has told us in his autobiography "Long Walk to Freedom",1994, how important it is for people to respect each other .

After his retirement, the fist thing he did was he raised a large amount of money for children's charities. Many chilren have been saved by him even now. And besides, It's not only but all of his thoughts, his beliefs and his activities have given many people of the world a chance which they consider about human rights. His achievement has changed people's values absolutely. Ofcourse, we have a lot of things to do for human rights even now....

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Hi, I'm Mariko Tamaki from Japan !!

Please call me just "Mary", it's easier to say!

Anyway, It's my first time after change into Naomi's class!

How nice!!
I'm writing a blog at class!!
It' very nice thing for me to express myself and know about everyone.

I want to know about classmate more and meet more other people!!

First, I'll start a introduce myself...
My hometown is kyoto in Japan, because there are so many famous and histrycal temples, always there's busy with visiter including many foreiner.
I also love my city, especialy I love my city's food.
There are a lot of kind of food, and most of them are so good tast and healthy!!

And I like running along a river near my house.
Even in vancouver, I run around my home atay almost everyday!

I love eating and doing exacise!!

I'm gonig to go to Stanley park Next weekend, so I'm looking foward to it very much!!
I' m very exiting just thinking about many things to want to do in vancouver!!
anyone who wants to go with me, shall we go anywhere!!

Then, the first blog is finishing....

See you again!!