Thursday, June 5, 2008


Hi, I'm Mariko Tamaki from Japan !!

Please call me just "Mary", it's easier to say!

Anyway, It's my first time after change into Naomi's class!

How nice!!
I'm writing a blog at class!!
It' very nice thing for me to express myself and know about everyone.

I want to know about classmate more and meet more other people!!

First, I'll start a introduce myself...
My hometown is kyoto in Japan, because there are so many famous and histrycal temples, always there's busy with visiter including many foreiner.
I also love my city, especialy I love my city's food.
There are a lot of kind of food, and most of them are so good tast and healthy!!

And I like running along a river near my house.
Even in vancouver, I run around my home atay almost everyday!

I love eating and doing exacise!!

I'm gonig to go to Stanley park Next weekend, so I'm looking foward to it very much!!
I' m very exiting just thinking about many things to want to do in vancouver!!
anyone who wants to go with me, shall we go anywhere!!

Then, the first blog is finishing....

See you again!!


Naomi said...

Hi Mariko! Can I still call you Mariko? I like it better than Mary!

I'd love to visit Kyoto. What are the most famous kinds of food in your city? I'd like to try some of them.

It's wonderful to have you in my class. I look forward to eating Japanese food with you tomorrow! Mmmmm....gyoza.

And keep checking the blog for weekend activities. I like to take students to places in Vancouver on the weekends, and everyone is welcome!

Akiko said...

Fainally, I could see your blog!haha.
I love Kyoto, too. I'm positive to go there again! So, please guide me at the time;)